coulur Greyish White Volume 8.5 mlReaction Alkaline pH 8.0Viscosity normal ViscousSperm Concentration 13.000.000 mlTotal Count 110.500.000Liquified after 30MOTILITYAfter 30 min (PR+NP%) 50ter 1 hour (PR+NP%) 45ter 2 hours (PR+NP%) 40ter 3 hours (PR+NP%) 35% SPERM TYPE OF MOTILITY1-Immotile (IM) 50%2-Total motility (PR+NP) 50%a-Progressive motility (PR) 15%b-Non progressive motility (NP) 35NORMAL FORMS (according to Kruger’s classificationTotal Abnormal Forms 21% a-Abnormal Head Forms 13% b-Mid-portion abnormalities 4% c-Tail abnormalities 4%Round Cells 4-6Red Blood Cells 0-1
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